Behind the scenes of the klys collection

Lindsay Day behind the scenes celebrate cheese-board coast coastal living comfort food Cornwall Life Klys


Hello new friends (and old!) this is us Lindsay and Tony, partners in life and work and the faces behind @woodpaperscissors 


Our studio workshop is nestled among the boats in a Cornish harbour. We design and craft all of our products here, making each one to order with care and attention to detail, all from handpicked locally sourced wood.


We’re the ultimate champions of the slow movement; of living in the moment, relishing the little joy's in life, with the people we love most. We want our products to help you to do the same, by inspiring cosy, klysful moments of your very own.

Our range is inspired by the Hygge ethos of enjoying life’s simple pleasures, in comfort and cosiness. When we moved to Cornwall over four years ago (feels like longer) we went in search of our own version of Hygge, and discovered klys, the Cornish word for cosy. Inspired by our beautiful surroundings, we started to craft products that bring a little Cornish Klys (and bliss) into the lives of others 😊

You can see more of the klys range by visiting the Klys Collection page on this website.


We’re custodians of Cornish klys, our very own version of Hygge. So slow down, take 5 minutes, make a cuppa and have a browse of our lovely handmade range or visit the blog where you will find inspiration for a new recipe, a playlist (we listen to these in the workshop to) or plan for a day out, to be enjoyed with friends and loved ones - when we can.

Have a great day :)

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