Saturday Storecupboard Indian Frittata (that you can eat any day of the week)

Lindsay Day coastal living food to share recipes


It's Saturday and under normal circumstances, I would pop to the shops to buy some nice bits for lunch and probably order a takeaway for dinner, til we can go and do our big shop on a Sunday.

But these are very much not normal times. In fact things could be less 'normal'. The shops are struggling to keep up with crazy folk panic buying and we have been told to stay home. So popping to the shops for some fancy lunch supplies, doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to do today. Especially when we do have food in the cupboards and some random stuff in the fridge and freezer that could do with being used up.

So I thought I'd share this Indian Fritatta (fancy omelette) recipe that I made for lunch from the bits and bobs we had leftover from the week, actually the frozen veg has been in the freezer since last October, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's super easy, so tasty and as long as you have eggs and some curry powder or paste you can basically throw anything in it. You will need an oven-proof saute or frying pan.


Two medium potatoes
Two handfuls of frozen veg
1 red onion
1 Tablespoon of curry powder
1 Tablespoon of oil (any)


Wash your hands first!

Preheat the oven or grill and peel and dice two large potatoes. Parboil them in a medium pan, towards the end add a couple of handfuls of mixed frozen veg.

Meanwhile finely slice an onion and sweat on a low heat in the oil and curry powder, while you wait for the potatoes and veg.

Once everything is cooked, drain the potatoes and fry in the pan with the onions, add more oil in needed, it will help them go nice and crispy.

Whisk 6 eggs in a bowl with seasoning. Pour over the veg and keep moving the eggs around. Try to get the veg to sit in a flattish layer in the bottom of the pan. Once the egg if cooked on the bottom pop it in the oven or under the grill to cook the top for a few minutes. Keep and eye on it, you don't want to burn the top.

Remove from the oven. Holding a plate or serving board over the pan flip out the frittata so you serve it bottom-side-up. It looks nicer this way :)








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