It's no secret that we love cake. Especially home made cake!
Today is Tony's Birthday so we we got our bake on and surprise him with an extra special treat for his Birthday tea, one that combines two of our favourite things, a custard cream and a Victoria sponge. Because as much as I love a traditional butter icing, Tony prefers freshly whipped cream and Eva requested the jam and there's no point in making a cake for someone on their Birthday with butter icing if they don't like it, no matter how much you do!
At Wood Paper Scissors we're know for our love of warm cup of tea and a slab of cake, but it may surprise you to hear I am not much of a cake baker, I am more competent at scones, cookies and quiche, so I usually buy a nice shop bought cake for a Birthday instead.
But this year I decided I can't go through life not being able to bake a simple sponge. I owe it to myself, my family and my business! So armed with a nice silicon pan (a custard cream one we already had but you can buy it here), an electric whisk, an oven thermometer - so I don't end up with a burned cake top (this actually worked a treat!) and a keen 9 year old assistant, I set to work.
I used this simple recipe:
200g caster sugar
200g softened butter
4 eggs
200g self raising flour
1tsp baking powder
2tbsp milk
Splash of vanilla essence